Dear John,

There's still time to answer our second member survey question! We want to know: which part of our work do you find the most useful? Is it taking online actions to support environmental issues? Or being able to look up our endorsements as you're filling out your ballot? Or reading our Environmental Scorecard to see which lawmakers supported environmental bills? Or attending in-person events, like Lobby Day? Or maybe our work supporting pro-environment candidates in state and local elections, or lobbying on behalf of the Oregon Conservation Network? Or maybe something else entirely! We want to to know what you think. You can fill out the form online here to share your answer. Your voice means a lot to us, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Thank you,

Francesca Varela
Communications Coordinator, OLCV

---- FWD: Original Message ----

Dear John,

The results are in from our first member survey question! When asked to name your top environmental issue, the overwhelming majority of you said climate change. 

Over the last several years, we have made climate change our number one priority at OLCV as well. The climate crisis is intertwined with so many other environmental issues, from environmental justice, to wildlife, to water quality. As an organization, we work on climate in a number of ways: by electing pro-climate leadership on the state and local level, holding lawmakers accountable for climate action, supporting bills and ballot measures that would help Oregon transition to a clean energy economy, and more.

That brings us to our second member survey question! This time, we’re wondering--which aspect of our work do you find the most valuable? You can submit your answer online here!

Which part of our work at OLCV do you find the most valuable? 

  • OLCV endorsements: 
    Each election, OLCV endorses local and state-level candidates who are centered around environmental and climate justice. Our endorsements serve as a helpful guide for voters, and helps get environmental champions elected to office.
  • Lobby days and in-person events:
    In-person activism opportunities--like our Oregon Conservation Network (OCN) Lobby Day--give OLCV members a space to come together in the State Capitol and meet with their lawmakers face to face. Other events include rallies, marches, protests, and more throughout the year.
  • Online action alerts: 
    Our action alert emails keep you informed on environmental issues, making it easy to sign online petitions, email your lawmakers in support of good environmental bills (or in protest of bad bills), take action on social media, and more. 
  • Environmental Scorecard for the Oregon Legislature:
    The OLCV Environmental Scorecard keeps track of how lawmakers vote on environmental bills during the legislative session. The Scorecard keeps voters informed on how their state senator and state representative are standing up for their values, and it lets lawmakers know that we’re holding them accountable.
  • Electoral work:
    OLCV works to elect environmental champions and hold elected officials accountable at the ballot box. In 2018, the OLCV Political Action Committee spent over $1 million to help elect environmental champions, including Governor Brown, state lawmakers, and city councilors. 
  • Our work running the Oregon Conservation Network:
    OLCV lobbies on behalf of the Oregon Conservation Network (OCN), a coalition of over 30 environmental organizations. OCN works together to make connections in the State Capitol, and to pass legislation that will protect Oregon’s people and places. 
  • Other: __________________________________

This is the second in our series of member survey questions. We’re hoping to get to know our members better, and learn what you value most about our work at OLCV. We would really appreciate your response! You can submit your answer online here. And stay tuned for the third and final question in our series, coming to your inbox soon. 


Francesca Varela
Communications Coordinator, OLCV


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