The United States government is using detention camps to torture immigrants who came to our country seeking safety.
Sign the Petition


Friend — I am disgusted and appalled by the inhumane conditions at the border detention camps where Donald Trump has chosen to keep thousands of asylum seekers.

Agents of the United States government are denying adequate food, water, and medical care to immigrants as they laugh, taunt, and torture them for coming to our country. This treatment is immoral, inhumane, and wrong, and it has got to stop, NOW.

Will you join me and demand President Donald Trump close these horrendous detention camps right now?

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President Trump has made clear from day one that his immigration policies would be based on fear, not fact. They are designed to strike fear in anyone even thinking about coming to the United States, and they are meant to energize the President’s racist base. This is not how the United States of America, of all countries, should be treating human beings and conducting immigration policy.

Donald Trump needs to hear loud and clear that the American people do not support these camps. He could close them right now if he wanted to, and we need to send him the message that he should. Will you join our call demanding President Trump close the detention camps right now?

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— Yvette










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