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The Trump administration's Environmental Protection Agency is working to continue the sale of glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup -- despite the risks to our health.

We only have until Sept. 3 to submit public comments in opposition, and call on the EPA to ban Roundup unless and until it's proven safe.

Submit your public before it's too late.

The Trump administration is claiming that glyphosate isn't a health risk.1 But evidence is mounting that says otherwise. For example: World Health Organization scientists have labeled glyphosate a "probable human carcinogen."2

And juries have ruled three times in the last year that there is enough evidence to hold Monsanto's Roundup culpable in causing the plaintiffs' cancer -- reinforcing the need for action.3

Yet, Trump's EPA is moving to continue the sale of glyphosate.4

As long as significant doubt remains as to whether glyphosate is completely safe, we should not be spraying this chemical on food, around our homes, or where our children learn and play.

We only have until Sept. 3 to submit public comments opposing the sale of glyphosate to keep our communities safe. Add your name today.

Enough glyphosate is used globally each year to spray nearly half a pound of it on every single acre of cultivated land in the world.5 And school property, playgrounds, public parks and gardens in America alone are drenched in 26 million pounds of Roundup every year.6

In fact, we use so much Roundup that exposure is almost impossible to avoid. Glyphosate has been detected in everything from ice cream and children's cereal to beer and wine.7

The EPA's mission is to protect our environment and our health. Given the risks associated with Roundup, and given the prevalence of Roundup in our environment, allowing its continued sale turns the EPA's mission on its head.

This public comment period is an opportunity to raise public awareness and continue to call on decision-makers for change to keep our communities safe. Submit your comment right now.

Thank you,

Faye Park

1. Emily Holden, "Trump EPA insists Monsanto's Roundup is safe, despite cancer cases," The Guardian, April 30, 2019.
2. "IARC Monograph on Glyphosate," International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization, January 3, 2016.
3. Andrew Blankstein and Adiel Kaplan, "California jury hits Monsanto with $2 billion judgment in cancer lawsuit," NBC News, May 13, 2019.
4. Emily Holden, "Trump EPA insists Monsanto's Roundup is safe, despite cancer cases," The Guardian, April 30, 2019.
5. Charles Benbrook, "Trends in glyphosate herbicide use in the United States and globally," Environmental Sciences Europe, February 2, 2016.
6. Kara Cook-Shultz, "Thriving Communities Guide," U.S. PIRG Education Fund, July 2017.
7. Kara Cook, "Glyphosate Pesticide in Beer and Wine," U.S. PIRG Education Fund, February 2019.