News from Representative Allred

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August 27, 2020

Dear John,

Recent operational changes at the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) have caused delays in mail service. Many North Texans depend on this essential service for their paychecks, medication and more. These changes are concerning and hearing from you is one of the most important parts of my job. That’s why I am inviting you to take my USPS survey. I will use the feedback to guide my response to the service changes and better fight for the needs of North Texas.



Last week, I voted for the Delivering for America Act, a bill that would prevent the USPS from making operational changes impacting the delivery of the mail. It would also provide $25 billion to help the Postal Service and its workers do their jobs during this pandemic. It passed the House with bipartisan support.

I also visited the USPS Processing and Distribution Center in Dallas to see first hand the impact of the Administration’s changes on postal workers and the delivery of mail in North Texas. During my visit, I was able to see the dedication of these public servants and hear from them on their work at the USPS. You can watch my video update on my visit here.

The USPS is an essential service, one that millions of North Texans count on. I urge the Administration to put an end to the attacks on the Postal Service and work with us to sign this support package into law. I will continue to fight for this bedrock American institution and ensure that postal workers can do their jobs and serve the American people.

If you would like to register to vote by mail or find your polling place, you can go to Our democracy works best when everyone participates. If you have been experiencing issues with your mail service, please contact my Richardson office at (972) 972-7949.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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