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A New Zealand court has sentenced a man who killed 51 people at two mosques to life in prison without parole, the first person in the country's history to receive this sentence.
There have been more than 600 attacks on places of worship in Northern Ireland in the last five years, prompting renewed calls for action to protect churches and other religious buildings.
A US trial of two members of Islamic State accused of taking part in the beheading of hostages appears likely to go ahead, following a legal ruling that allows the UK to share evidence with US prosecutors.
A plan to convert a former church school in the Yorkshire dales into affordable housing has been scuppered by a legal requirement to accept the highest bid for the property in a row that has drawn in the chancellor of the exchequer and the archbishop of Canterbury.
The United States on Wednesday hit back at a UN women's rights panel that said some US states limited access to abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic, rejecting its interference and the notion of "an assumed right to abortion".
The campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is labelling China's treatment of the Uighurs "genocide" and calling on Donald Trump to take action.
Evelyne Opondo of the Centre for Reproductive Rights said widespread conservative attitudes stigmatising abortion had driven women and girls to unregulated clinics run by untrained medical practitioners.
'Blasphemy' laws make a mockery of the justice system in Nigeria because laws are there to protect individuals, and not to protect ideologies, beliefs or dogma, says Leo Igwe.
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