As we head into Night 3 of Trump's Republican National Convention, we had to make sure you saw our Night 1 and Night 2 recaps of the GOP's festival of lies and bigotry. All donations this week to our RNC Progressive Response Fund 400%-MATCHED! NIGHT 1: Oh the things you learned if you watched Episode 1 of the Republican National Convention last night, my friend! Did you know that Trump understood the threat of COVID-19 before anyone else and his swift action saved the lives of millions? Or that we have the pandemic “courtesy of the Chinese Communist Party”? That Republicans represent “church, work, and school” while Democrats want “rioting, looting, and vandalism”? Did you know that progressives and Democrats want to make America weaker so we can “replace her,” or that progressives and Democrats want to abolish the suburbs, or that it’s Democrats – not Trump – who are threatening the Postal Service?? And this was only the first night! It’s sad that one of America’s major parties has been completely captured by bigotry and cultish authoritarianism… Republican leaders who once seemed, if not moderate, then at least decent, went to bat for Trump without any reservation, parroting Trump’s lies and delivering a full-throated endorsement of Trump’s narrative and agenda. The hateful attacks on progressives, on people marching for racial justice, on immigrants, people of color, and others, were abhorrent. The rosy picture that convention speakers painted of Trump’s first term was disrespectful to the victims of COVID-19 and their families, to those left behind by Republicans’ one-sided economic policies, and to the communities that have been under constant assault under Trump and Trumpism. We’re fighting back. We’re going to hold Trump AND Republicans accountable, and, with your help, we’re going to deliver them a historic defeat up and down the ballot, all across the country. You can stay in the fight right now and have your impact QUADRUPLED by giving today to our RNC Progressive Response Campaign! Chip in as generously as you can – your donation will be 4X-MATCHED!>> We saw last night – and will see all week – why the stakes are so high and why losing this election cannot be an option. Thanks so much for all of your hard work and support. -- PFAW Elections Team NIGHT 2: my friend, Episode 2 of the Republican National Convention last night saw distortions of truly Orwellian proportions … laws were broken, marginalized communities were demonized, and speaker after speaker drowned viewers in a rapid-fire tsunami of lies, barely affording them a chance to catch their breath in between. The most anti-immigrant president in modern times held a staged naturalization ceremony with the acting Homeland Security secretary (acting because he was never confirmed by the Senate, like many Trump administration officials). This was only one of the night’s several apparent violations of the Hatch Act – the federal law that prohibits government officials from campaigning for political purposes using government property or resources. And the outrages continued… read more below, but first please do what the main purpose of this email is to ask of you: There are only 2 days left, so make sure to give now to multiply your donation x 4! Cissie Graham Lynch, the granddaughter of televangelist Billy Graham, used her speech to slam the Obama-Biden administration for its supposed attacks on religious liberty (like, you know, not allowing adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ people) and offered gushing praise for Trump’s efforts to protect freedom of religion. Later in the night, Trump’s son Eric appealed to “all people of faith stripped of our religious freedoms and religious liberties,” saying, “my father will fight for you.” Reality check:
The false narratives being advance by Republicans at Trump’s convention are not only untrue, they’re dangerous. They talk about the coronavirus pandemic in the past tense and celebrate Trump for handling it heroically while we’re still right in the middle of the crisis with infections and deaths continuing to rise. They blast Democrats for acknowledging police violence and systemic racism (which they say does not exist) even as more Black men are shot multiple times in the back by police, like 29-year-old father Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI, who this week was shot by officers at least 7 times and left paralyzed while trying to assist in breaking up a domestic dispute. Up is down. Day is night. The sky is green. And history is whatever Republicans say it is… Unless WE stop them and stand up for TRUTH. (AND justice. AND … The American Way.) Please give whatever you can now. Your donation will be 400%-MATCHED and your impact QUADRUPLED>> Thank you for everything. -- Ben Betz, Sr. Director of Digital & Organizing “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” – George Orwell, 1984
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