From True Texas Project <[email protected]>
Subject TTP Calls For Resignations of Bonnen & Burrows
Date September 1, 2019 3:15 AM
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Friends and fellow patriots,
Texas Scorecard did a nice write-up on our call for TX House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Representative Dustin Burrows to resign. Check it out....
Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project

** True Texas Project Board Calls for Bonnen and Burrows Resignation ([link removed])


The movement demanding Speaker Bonnen’s and State Rep. Burrows’ resignations continues to grow.
By Robert Montoya ([link removed]) | August 30, 2019

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* @TrueTXProject joins others in calling for resignation of @RepDennisBonnen and @Burrows4TX. ([link removed])
* “The behavior of Bonnen and Burrows is unacceptable and unbefitting for any public office holder." - @heyjuliesue ([link removed])
* @TrueTXProject also calls for @TexasGOP to condemn the actions of @RepDennisBonnen and @Burrows4TX. ([link removed])

Another conservative organization is demanding House Speaker Dennis Bonnen ([link removed]) and State Rep. Dustin Burrows ([link removed]) (R-Lubbock) resign in light of the pair making a quid pro quo offer to target incumbent Republican lawmakers in exchange for media credentials.

Earlier this week, the board of the True Texas Project PAC, formerly known as the Northeast Tarrant Tea Party PAC, published a resolution ([link removed]) calling for the “immediate resignation” of the pair, joining the Denton County and Montgomery County GOPs.

The calls for their resignations come on the heels of the shocking allegations ([link removed]) that both elected officials made a quid pro quo offer to Empower Texans CEO Michael Quinn Sullivan, asking Sullivan to target certain Republicans in exchange for media credentials. Burrows resigned earlier this month as Republican Caucus Chair in the House ([link removed]) but announced he does not intend to resign from his office as a state representative. Instead, he’s running for re-election.

Julie McCarty, the CEO of the True Texas Project, says he should resign.

“He’s proven himself unworthy of the public’s trust,” says McCarty.

“True Texas Project has put into writing what most grassroots activists have already voiced,” McCarty told Texas Scorecard. “The behavior of Bonnen and Burrows is unacceptable and unbefitting for any public office holder. How much more so for those in leadership positions! How can we condemn such behavior in Democrats and yet not Republicans?”

TTP’s resolution also states the “Republican Party of Texas should issue a public statement condemning the actions of Speaker Bonnen and [former] Chairman Burrows, address the gravity of the damage, and assure the public that the organization will not tolerate anything that compromises the conservative principles and standards we hold ourselves to.”

TTP’s resolution will also be sent to Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, state representatives who represent the Northeast Tarrant area, Texas GOP Chair James Dickey, Tarrant County GOP Chair Darl Easton, and the area’s representatives on the State Republican Executive Committee.

Robert Montoya
Robert Montoya ([link removed])
Robert Montoya is a correspondent for the Metroplex Bureau of Texas Scorecard. His passion is to help grow the conservative movement and advance liberty. When not focused on politics, he still maintains his passion for Japan, film, and cooking.

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*Sep 9 ([link removed]) - Massey Campos w/ Self Evident Truths
*Sep 24 - dinner at Palio's in Colleyville
*Oct 14 ([link removed]) - Agenda II: movie + Q&A w/ producer
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*Nov 26 - no dinner
*Dec 9 - TTP Christmas party!

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5:30 - prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
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