Hi Friend,
In order for us to truly be a democracy, all voters need to have open and clear access to the polls and legislative process. But this isn’t always the case for young people. Although they continue to step up at the state and local levels, getting organized, and taking action in order to secure crucial democratic victories, they’re often left disempowered to make their voices heard at the polls.
Unnecessary obstacles prevent young people from exercising their constitutional right to vote, leaving millions of young potential voters to be overlooked by the system of voter registration and access. If Congress does not take action, the political system will continue to ignore their voices, disproportionately impacting young people of color. We’re working with our partners to increase access to the ballot because our democracy only works when all feel empowered to exercise their right to vote.
Demand Congress ensure young people have more access to vote.
Young voters are not only passionate about progressive ideas and policies but they’re also the largest eligible voting population, which intimidates Republicans. In more than a dozen states, Republicans tried to limit the kinds of student IDs that can be used at the polls, restricted the number of polling locations on or near college campuses, or gerrymandered political boundaries that divide campuses and dilute the power of student voters.(1)
To combat their efforts, it is important to prioritize automatic voter registration, pre-registration, longer early voting periods, same-day voter registration, accessible voting locations, and vote-by-mail. Removing barriers to voter registration and access to the ballot is strongly linked to higher turnout, and we need that from younger generations who are often less likely to vote. Congress has the power to remove these barriers, and we need to keep the pressure on them to ensure that happens.
Sign the petition: call on Congress to ensure young people have access to vote.
In solidarity,
Diego, along with Analeeza, Caitlin, Brenna, Deepthi, Eddie, Gabby, Lindsay, Mai, Mary, Molly, Raquel, and Scottie (the Courage team)
Footnote: 1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/to-unlock-the-youth-vote-in-2020-democrats-wage-legal-fights-against-gop-backed-voting-restrictions/2019/07/10/f3c51dd4-8e17-11e9-b08e-cfd89bd36d4e_story.html |