Something is very wrong in our country, as you don’t need me to tell you.

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August 26, 2020
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“In Fauci We Trust”? C. S. Lewis Foresaw Scientific Authoritarianism

Something is very wrong in our country, as you don’t need me to tell you. But what is going on? I suggest that you watch this important video by political scientist John West. He sheds a fascinating light on the outcomes when what C. S. Lewis called “scientocracy” is put in charge.

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Podcast: The Stairway to Life Is Really a Cliff

Eric Anderson speaks with medical engineer Rob Stadler, co-author with molecular biologist Change Laura Tan of the new book Stairway to Life: An Origin of Life Reality Check. Stadler explains that it’s a “reality check” because many of the “stairway steps” that have to be mounted for chemistry to become biology must, very inconveniently, happen all at once.

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Biology Textbook Blind to the Mystery of the Eye

How could a similar series of mutations of the sort necessary to produce similarly structured eyes in different lineages occur so many times independently if the mutations are randomly produced? Hall and Hallgrimsson are not bothered by this question, but in order to convince the reader that such a thing is possible, they appeal to the well-known work of Dan-Eric Nilsson and Susanne Pelger.

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A Disappointing Decade for the Study of Human Evolution

What are the big discoveries of the decade? Did they reveal new and compelling evidence that humans evolved from lower primates? Some of these big discoveries actually turn out to be instances where the evidence for human evolution weakened, and the rest amount to slight revisions of previously held theories that don’t say much about the core tenets of paleoanthropology.

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Early Warning: Join Paul Nelson to Explore “Design Triangulation

The Science & Culture Network Chapter in Colorado, with support from the Chapters in Houston and Southern California, invites you to join this upcoming webinar and Q&A with Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellow Paul Nelson. Dr. Nelson will explain the concept of design triangulation and explore its promising application to biological discovery.

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Calendar  Upcoming Events

The Promise of Design Triangulation
September 12, 2020
Online webinar

Video  Videos

Fossil Finds Only Confuse Human Origins
With Jonathan Wells, Author of Zombie Science
How is Materialism Holding Back Science?
Conversations with Douglas Axe
Richard Owen vs. Charles Darwin
Conversations with Michael Denton

IDTF  ID the Future
  CSC Podcast

The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism, Pt. 2
August 26, 2020
The Magician’s Twin: C. S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism, Pt. 1
August 24, 2020
The Designed Body: Our Irreducibly Complex Blood Pressure Control System
August 21, 2020
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