Dear John, The United States Postal Service (USPS) is one of our country's most trusted and popular institutions. Every day, millions of Americans rely on the USPS to receive vital ma

Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is one of our country's most trusted and popular institutions. Every day, millions of Americans rely on the USPS to receive vital mail such as medications, social security, and election ballots.

Dedicated postal workers have continued providing these essential goods and services, even during the current global pandemic. As their 100 year old motto reads, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

Now something has gotten in the way of postal workers' ability to swiftly complete their duties: the Trump Administration.

President Trump and his handpicked Postmaster General are undermining our postal service by creating massive and unprecedented disruptions in mail deliveries, removing mail-sorting machines, directing postal workers to leave mail undelivered in order to save overtime, and more.

It's all in an effort to impede mail-in voting, and President Trump has not been shy about admitting as much. This is beyond irresponsible -- it's a corrupt attempt to interfere in the upcoming election.

The House passed a $25 Billion emergency relief bill to help stabilize the USPS; however, it's up to the Senate to pass the bill.

I'm working hard to hold Trump's Postmaster General Accountable and pass the House Emergency Bill. Will you join me in taking action to save the United States Postal Service? Sign our petition today to stop the undermining of our postal service >>

During this public health crisis, it is more important than ever that Americans can count on the USPS for reliable and prompt deliveries. We all must take action to protect the postal service. Please join me today in doing so.

Thank you,


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