The Dallas Morning News just called our race "the most competitive and the most anticipated contest on the North Texas ballot". Our race is getting national press and local attention. 

This is not good news for us because Nancy Pelosi and her socialist allies in DC believe they can flip our district. They are so confident, they have already reserved $4.4 million in TV ads to attack Beth. 

They want to fundamentally change our country, our way of life, and they will do everything within their power to take over this important district.

For months now, they have been lying about Beth and her record - if we don't hit our end of month goal the Democrats' TV attack ads will go unanswered. We cannot allow this to happen!

We are only 5 DAYS away from this important end of month goal and yet we are still $16,364 short of the funds needed to counter Pelosi's attack ads. Can you chip in $30 TODAY to help us reach this critical goal?
With less than 70 days until Election Day, every dollar counts at this moment to counter the Democrat lies and attacks. It is critical for us to reach our August fundraising goal so we are able to make our paid media plans for the fall.

If we do not have the resources raised in the next 5 days, we will fall farther behind the Democrats.

Thank you for always having our back! With you behind us we know we will elect Beth this November!

Team Van Duyne