We need your help.
The Texas State Board of Education is considering new standards for Health -- which cover sex ed -- and Science classes. It’s our chance to get real sex education and accurate information on climate change into Texas schools.
To make it happen, we need people like you to testify at this virtual meeting scheduled for Sept. 8-11. Let us know you’re in and we’ll send you a guide that walks you through the process.

The hearings on Health and Science will be held on different days (exact dates within Sept. 8-11 are to be announced), and we encourage you so testify on both.
It is especially crucial to testify on Science because the board, in a departure from its usual process, has decided to rush this adoption of new science standards in the last two meetings of this year. This important subject should not be rushed. As for the Health revision, this is our once-in-a-generation opportunity to change course and adopt medically accurate standards that include information on birth control and are inclusive of LGBTQ people.
Thank you for your continued commitment to fact-based education. We look forward to hearing your testimony in the virtual board meeting.
In the fight,

Jules Mandel (She/Her/Hers)
Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator
[email protected]