Isn't it ironic? Today is Women's Equality Day, and as we speak, Republicans are getting together at their Convention and pledging fealty to Donald Trump and his infamous misogyny.
We know without a doubt that the GOP's policies will disproportionately impact women—especially women of color. Trump's Global Gag Rule and the legacy of notoriously racist Senator Jesse Helms, have devastated access to reproductive health care worldwide.
This election is our opportunity to prevent the damage that four more years of Trump and his cronies could do—and it starts right now, not in November.
Will you check your voter registration today? Our new tool makes it easy to look it up and request a mail-in ballot if your state allows.
While Republicans are likely in a frenzy thinking up what new Handmaid's Tale-esque restrictions they could pass if elected again, Democrats have come out with a platform that unequivocally supports access to high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion, all around the world.
The stakes couldn't be higher. Just take a look at what we could be facing if Trump wins again:
As if these right-wing attacks on rights and health weren't enough, Trump is doing everything he can to undermine the democratic process. He's telling people that expanding access to vote-by-mail will lead to fraud. This is a lie.
Mail-in voting is not only secure, but presents a safe way to vote during the pandemic. It is especially important for people at increased risk of getting sick from COVID-19.
Check your voter registration, and consider signing up to vote by mail with our easy tool.
After you've checked to make sure you're ready to vote in this election, please send the link to a few friends. Every vote counts this November.
In solidarity,

Rebecca Harrington
Senior Director of Advocacy and Outreach
Population Connection Action Fund