Dear John,
Demand the BLM stop putting Wyoming’s wildlife in danger. Keep its natural habitat safe!
Next month, the Bureau of Land Management is planning to offer thousands of acres of prime wildlife habitat in Wyoming for oil and gas leasing.
This treasured land is home to elk, mule deer, and the Greater Sage Grouse. If the lands are leased to Big Oil, these creatures’ habitats will be destroyed. Not to mention, fracking has been shown to create an increase in earthquakes -- leading to landslides, avalanches, and severe erosion.
Use your voice and stop the BLM from moving forward with the September lease sale.
Demand the BLM stop destroying Wyoming’s public lands and wildlife.
In the proposed land lease sale, the BLM plans to put 181,881 acres of public land in Wyoming in the hands of Big Oil. This would lead to fracking techniques that will cause irreversible harm to the environment.
The water that is extracted by fracking can be radioactive. This poses a threat to wildlife and neighboring communities. The water could poison our planet and people.
What’s more, the Bureau of Land Management has moved its public input process for this lease sale online due to the pandemic. This stifles the voices of residents in the local communities. Wyoming ranks 46th in the nation for broadband internet access and half of the Americans living on tribal lands do not have access to reliable internet.
As long as the only way for people to share their concerns is through commenting online, the BLM must halt all lease sales.
Tell the Bureau of Land Management: Stop silencing local communities. Stop the proposed lease sale in Wyoming.
We need you, John, to stop fossil fuel extraction from chipping away at any more of Wyoming’s natural lands. At a time when we are a mere 10 years to climate catastrophe, there has never been a more pertinent time to keep fossil fuels in the ground and direct resources to renewable energy.
We’re up against powerful foes in the oil and gas industry. They’re pushing the BLM to advance this lease sale so they can drill, no matter the damage to people, wildlife, or Wyoming’s iconic landscapes.
But together, we can win. Earlier this month, after nearly 30,000 Friends of the Earth members like you spoke out against a similar lease sale in Utah, the BLM halted it. Now, we need you to do the same thing in Wyoming.
Take Action: Demand the BLM keep fossil fuels in the ground and protect public lands in Wyoming!
Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels campaigner,
Friends of the Earth