From RPT Chairman <[email protected]>
Subject BLM Lies
Date August 26, 2020 3:02 PM
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I can't believe it, John.


The media, far-left activists, and the progressive Socialist left are at it


They want Texans to believe that the Party of Lincoln -- the Party
that destroyed slavery and fought to defend the rights of all
free people against tyranny – is somehow a fundamentally racist political
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And they will keep spreading this poisonous rhetoric of the “Black Lives
Matter” mob claiming that our Party -- the Party of Lincoln and pro-Life
Christian values -- does not value Black lives. 


(Of course, they never mention the sickening number of Black lives killed by
Planned Parenthood every year). 


That’s why Democrats have already been spreading horrific lies, calling me
every awful name under the sun (“racist,” “bigot,” and plenty more) just in the
first few weeks since I’ve been leading the Republican Party of Texas.  


And, if Joe Biden’s last campaign for President is any guide, he will revive
his lie that Republicans want to put Black Americans “back in chains.” 


But their shameful tactics won’t work. Not in Texas. Not in November.   


I’ve faced down America’s enemies before, and it will take a lot more than
racial smears from snot-nosed Socialists to stop me.Will you stand with Texas
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Let’s crush our August fundraising goal
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and set the foundation for a crushing November victory over the progressive
Socialist left.


For Liberty! 


Allen West 


Republican Party of Texas 













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