CBSNews: 57% of Republicans think number of COVID deaths are acceptable
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As I’ve been scrolling through social media the last few days, paying attention to the reaction to our Convention and the nonsense coming out of the RNC Convention, I came across a poll from CBS News asking whether the death toll from COVID-19 was “acceptable.” Fifty-seven percent of Republicans said that it was. I was stunned.

If this stuns you, too, please, make a donation today so we can kick Trump out of the White House. It’s the only hope we have of repairing the damage his “leadership” has inflicted on us.

I’ve got to say that, as we near 200,000 American deaths from this virus, seeing a majority of Republicans say that this is acceptable hurts. I grew up hearing stories of bi-partisanship getting things done in Washington, that when the nation faced a threat, people would come together as one to protect this country. THAT is what’s made America the greatest country in the world.

Donald Trump has turned today’s Republican Party into an unrecognizable shell of itself. They are now the party of Fox News, which they told their viewers that COVID was a hoax, and of Donald Trump, whose misdeeds during this pandemic response are countless.

We cannot afford Republican leadership anymore. They’ve let their hunger for power poison their party to the point where they think nearly 200,000 preventable deaths is a price worth paying. Donate today if you think that the COVID-19 response has been UNACCEPTABLE and want to see a change in leadership.

Stay safe,
Nick Scott, Digital Director


P.S. We understand that times are tough for many of you, and that everyone has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Please only give if you can; your health and safety are the most important thing right now.

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