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Join The Conversation On Social Media
Join the Child Mind Institute Conversation
on Social Media!
Every day we share articles, guides and resources with hundreds of thousands of parents, caregivers and educators across our social media channels. Our aim is to provide you with everything you need to make good decisions for your kids and navigate the challenges of raising and educating children. Are you following the Child Mind Institute on social media?

Here are some highlights from the past week:


The transition into this school year comes with new challenges. We hosted two back-to-school Facebook Live videos to help parents make the best of going back to school during the coronavirus crisis.


Child Mind Institute clinicians discuss how to support your kids and teens during this challenging time, in conversations moderated by ABC News correspondent Deborah Roberts, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle and senior editor at The Atlantic Kate Julian, which were shared live with our donor community in June.


We provided tips to set kids up to thrive, despite the uncertainties and stress of going back to school during COVID-19.


Do you have a birthday or event coming up? Why not add a fundraiser for the Child Mind Institute to your event? It's easy to set up.
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