Prioritise wellbeing over profit, invest in green jobs, attach social and environmental conditions to public bailouts, and use the Bank of England’s money creation powers for good - this is how we fix our broken economy.
PoMo’s economists have worked out the details, now together, we need to get them into the hands of people who have the power to make them happen. And this new Post-Pandemic Economic Growth committee is the perfect opportunity. [1]
The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) committee is made up of MPs from three political parties and it’s their job to pressure the government to rewire our economy.
We know what our future economy should look like, but ideas alone are not enough. We need to grab their attention. The more names we have supporting these ideas, the more likely MPs will listen and the more likely we’ll win.
Help us show MPs exactly what Positive Money is fighting for: a path to net-zero growth and a money and banking system that serves people and the planet.