URGENT: A relentless heat wave is endangering Syrian children.
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Friend, Syria is facing a potentially deadly heat wave this week and children are most at risk. We're coming to you to ask for emergency relief.
UNICEF teams are on standby, waiting to airlift emergency supplies to children and families in need. The sooner we act, the faster we can be on the ground keeping children safe from the scorching heat. Please, send help before it's too late >>
Imagine the peak of summer in America. Now, imagine spending hours and days in that heat without water, air conditioning or fans, or proper shelter to shield you from the sun.
For children living in the Al-Hol refugee camp in Syria, this year has brought brutal challenges. On top of COVID-19, they're now facing a blistering heat wave, which is especially dangerous for children.
Water supplies are limited and makeshift shelters offer little protection from the desert sun. And without adequate medical care, heat exhaustion can turn fatal very quickly. That's why it's critical we act now to keep these children safe. Send immediate relief to protect children from the dangerous heat >>
Here's how you can help right now:
$25 could provide emergency relief to 5 children >>
$58 could provide emergency relief to 10 children >>
$72 could provide emergency relief to 15 children >>
Friend, we have a very short window to respond to this dire need. Please make a gift now to send vital relief to children before temperatures rise any higher.
Thank you,

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