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A British-Israeli citizen claims she was asked to change seats on two separate flights because ultra-Orthodox Haredi Jewish men wouldn't sit next to her.
A Hindu temple with designs for a new crematorium is challenging the impact it will have on the Green Belt by addressing the lack of capacity for funerals currently available to its community.
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has told the UN that Ireland has not done enough to discharge its human rights obligations in relation to the situation of women and children who were institutionalised in Magdalene laundries and those subjected to symphysiotomy.
Mubarak Bala, head of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, was seized by the police and has disappeared in custody. Other Nigerian nonbelievers fear more detentions are coming.
Rights groups are urging Bangladeshi authorities to withdraw all charges against blogger Asad Noor, restore his passport and end harassment of his family members.
Opponents of "conversion therapy" presented their case Tuesday to shield Kentucky youngsters from a practice that attempts to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.
According to Iran's Islamic penal code, singing and dancing are not illegal but a person can be prosecuted if authorities deem their acts "indecent" or "immoral".
All books published in the country had to receive prior approval before they could be released, with offences ranging from insulting Islam to "inciting unrest" and committing "immoral" acts.
Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right, provided for under the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. However, this freedom is not unlimited, says Renae Barker.
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