In the wake of the horrifying police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man in Kenosha, who was shot in the back while his three children watched, Governor Evers called the State Legislature into a special session on police accountability and transparency. Add your name now to demand the State Legislature take immediate action during this session to take up Governor Evers’ legislation to combat police violence here in Wisconsin →
After you sign the petition, you’ll be directed to a page where you can call Speaker Vos and Majority Leader Fitzgerald and urge them to enact the police reform legislation that Governor Evers and Lt. Governor Barnes have proposed. There’s a script on the page to help guide you. Please take a moment to make this call. It’s one of the most important things you can do to help this reform pass.
This legislation would, among other things:
Promote de-escalation techniques
Set use of force standards to prevent deadly force
Set up the Department of Justice to publish a report on use of force incidents
Prohibit no-knock search warrants like the one that led to Breonna Taylor’s murder in Kentucky
It is a necessary step to take for justice in policing here in Wisconsin.
But Governor Evers’ bills have been sitting on Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’ desk for months, who refuses to do his job and put them up for a vote. Republican Speaker Robin Vos and the GOP need to put justice above politics. Help us put pressure on them now to deliver the change Wisconsinites deserve.
Sign the petition to support Governor Ever’s comprehensive police reform legislation →
All of us at WisDems