Hi, I’m Chuck Jones, the retired union president at the Carrier plant in Indiana. In 2016, I called out Trump for lying his ass off to workers about saving Carrier jobs from moving to Mexico. And since then, he’s done nothing but reward corporations with huge tax breaks while they keep sending good American jobs overseas. That’s why I’m joining with Our Revolution to kick off a new campaign to expose Trump’s lies to working class voters in critical states like MI OH IN WI and PA. Trump won the White House by winning the industrial heartland - and defeating him there is our #1 priority. We are focusing our organizing efforts in the 100 counties in the Midwest that voted twice for Obama-Biden and then flipped to Trump. By winning back those “pivot counties,” we can deny Donald Trump another four years to hurt working people. Will you click here to let Our Revolution know how you will help defeat Trump in the Midwest?

Watching the RNC this week, what scares me is that Trump is clearly trying to deliver the same fake populist economic message that worked for him in 2016. The media and corporate Democrats may be missing it, but I sure don’t. We can’t allow a repeat of 2016 when Democrats ignored the concerns of workers hurt by bad trade deals and corporate greed. These are places that used to be bastions of labor unions and organizing. Places like Lordstown, OH, and Macomb County in Michigan that voted Democrat for generations. Voters there bought Trump’s promises to bring back jobs and raise wages, but those promises remain broken. President Trump said this week that he would impose tariffs on U.S. companies that refuse to bring 10 million jobs back from overseas. But the reality is that Trump is LYING once again. If we don’t expose him before votes are cast, he could win another term in November. We have to work together now to stop him. Can I count on you to take this survey to let us know how you can help Our Revolution win back the Midwest in November? In solidarity, Chuck Jones Retired Union President
