From Chair, RPT <[email protected]>
Subject They’ve Only Got Insults
Date August 25, 2020 10:15 PM
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“Racist!”  “Bigot!”


John, that’s how the Democrats “welcomed” me to Texas.  


You see, only one thing scares Democrats more than a principled Black man who
stands up to their radical policies and proudly votes REPUBLICAN . . . and
that’s a principled Black man who inspires and leads others -- of all colors
and backgrounds -- to also vote REPUBLICAN.  


That’s how we will win. By spreading the truth to voters that our Texas
Republican Party is fighting for freedom, jobs, and opportunities that will
create a bright future for EVERY TEXAN! 
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The Democrats don’t know what they are up against. It will take far more than
cheap shots and insults to stop my message or scare me off.  


I’ve faced down Al-Qaeda terrorists in combat, and led my men to victory. I’ll
bring that same spirit to lead the Republican Party of Texas against the
incoming Democrat smear campaign.   


We’ve already seen the racist attacks they’ve unleashed against me in just the
first few weeks since my election as Chairman of the Party, here in the Lone
Star state.   


It’s obvious we’ve got them nervous. John, will you stand with me and Texas
Republicans against the Democrat smear campaign?
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I hope I can count on your patriotic support. We need to close out August on
strong financial ground, andyour support will make a difference.
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For Texas!  


Allen West 


Republican Party of Texas 













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PO Box 2206

Austin, TX 78768


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