
I’m Seth’s Finance Director, and I wanted to check in to ask for your help. We’re just 7 days away from Sth’s primary on September 1st, and we just set a last-minute goal of raising $10,000.

As Finance Director, my job is to make sure we have the resources we need to run a winning campaign and get Seth re-elected. Everything from staff salaries to bumper stickers to yard signs represents a line item in our budget. And if we don’t have support from generous donors like you, we’ll come up short.

Without being able to hold in-person fundraisers—something I’d normally spend most of my time on—we’ve really had to cut back on our expenses and rely on fundraising emails like these to make up for the loss of in-person events.

All that’s to say: I’m personally asking for your help. If you’re able, please donate whatever you can to help us hit our $10,000 goal ahead of the primary next Tuesday. We’re stretching each and every dollar right now, and your contribution will make a huge difference.

You have stepped up and, in many ways, carried our team through this election. We wouldn’t be able to run the campaign we’re running without your generosity.

Thank you for all of your support.
