And the road to economic recovery......

Hello John,

The challenges facing small business professionals, like hair stylists, translators, web developers and musicians, are not well understood.

They are entrepreneurs with talent and drive. They take responsibility for themselves, and their clients.

So, while many responsible Californians are just trying to stay afloat as we navigate COVID’s impacts on our health and our economy, why are Sacramento politicians, including Todd Gloria, co-author of AB5, stripping them of their ability to make a living responsibly and independently?

Answer: They either don’t understand the new economy, they don’t respect individuals’ right to work, or they have an ulterior political agenda.

We shouldn’t accept any of those answers.

I’ve released an economic recovery plan that focuses on results, not political agendas.

It recognizes the need to promote innovation, support entrepreneurs, and ensure proper worker protections.

It provides the infrastructure for a more inclusive new economy, including high speed Internet access for marginalized communities.

And, importantly, it was drafted by and for San Diegans who want to control their future.

I’m counting on San Diegans like you who understand it’s time for us to take back control from the politicians and special interests that have left us with a pension crisis, the 101 Ash Street disaster, failed homeless policies, an assault on single-family zoning, and the economy-killing AB5.

Join our grassroots volunteers. Contribute what you can. And join us on the road to recovery!

Let’s go!

Barbara Bry
Candidate for Mayor of San Diego




I'm on Instagram as @bry4sd. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

Our mailing address is:
3295 Meade Ave Ste 212 San Diego, CA 92116-4557


Ad Paid for by Barbara Bry for San Diego Mayor 2020, ID #1414774