Support me and five of my fellow Democratic Senate incumbents

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Hi team,

While it's absolutely crucial that we flip four seats from red to blue in order to take back the U.S. Senate this November, we also need to defend blue seats like mine across the country.

Not only am I facing a Republican opponent who's poured over $300,000 of his own money into his campaign to defeat me, but my friends and fellow Democratic incumbent Senators Doug Jones, Gary Peters, Jeanne Shaheen, Tina Smith, and Mark Warner are facing tough races for re-election too.

Before I tell you more about these five strong Democratic leaders, will you split a contribution between our campaigns today to help protect our seats and flip the Senate?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically processed and split among Doug Jones, Gary Peters, Jeanne Shaheen, Tina Smith, Mark Warner, and Cory Booker:

In Alabama, Doug Jones is in a dead heat with his Republican opponent who's admitted he "wouldn't have a clue" how to deal with coronavirus, and conservative PACs like Karl Rove's group One Nation and the Club for Growth have booked $3.5 million in TV ads to attack Doug.

In Michigan, Gary Peters was just outraised for the fourth time in a row by his GOP opponent who claims to "stand with Trump 2,000%" in a race that CBS and Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight say could decide the fate of the Senate.

In New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen's likely opponent has been endorsed by Trump, already invested more than $4 million of his personal fortune on his campaign, and has the means to spend millions more to attack Jeanne. This is yet another seat that FiveThirtyEight says we need to defend if we're going to flip the Senate from red to blue.

In Minnesota, Tina Smith has just a narrow three-point lead over her presumptive opponent — a former congressman and right-wing radio talk show host backed by both Trump and Pence — in recent polls. The Trump campaign has pledged to spend up to $30 million in Tina's state to try to win the presidency and take back this seat.

And in Virginia, what the Republican Party is calling a "swing state," Mark Warner faces an opponent who will undoubtedly be a rubber-stamp for the Trump agenda — he's praised Trump's "leadership" during the coronavirus pandemic and had this to say about wearing a mask: "Every time you put on your mask...this is what tyranny feels like." Mark won re-election by just 1% (the margin of error) in 2014, and this race could be just as close.

We can't take anything for granted, team. We need to win each and every one of these races if we're going to take back the Senate and move our country on a brighter, positive path after November.

So please, only if you're able to, make a grassroots contribution to support Doug, Gary, Jeanne, Tina, Mark, and me today in these last two months before Election Day:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically processed and split among Doug Jones, Gary Peters, Jeanne Shaheen, Tina Smith, Mark Warner, and Cory Booker:

— Cory