Join us for Turn Up Tuesday at 5:30 PM EDT.
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This week: Voting rights and the criminal legal system

No eligible voter should be denied their fundamental right to vote. Ever.

At any given time, roughly 750,000 people in America are in jail. Most of them are eligible to cast a ballot, but how can they exercise their fundamental right when jails don't make it accessible? And what's more, state laws bar more than six million citizens convicted of felonies from voting.

Tune in today for our Facebook web series, Turn Up Tuesday, at 5:30 PM EDT to learn how to restore voting rights to previously incarcerated people. Together, we can highlight the need for jails and prisons to make registration and voting accessible for those eligible.

When voters are silenced, communities are shut out of the political process. Tune in tonight and learn how we can restore the vote — and open the doors of our democracy.

— The Leadership Conference

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