John, JOIN US Friday August 28th for the Black National Convention!
And launch webinar!


Hey, all -- a friendly reminder that RG is holding a virtual watch party for the Black National Convention this Friday!

This Friday Aug. 28th, join RG's watch party for the
Black National Convention 
6:30 ET/3:30pm PT

As young folks with access to resources and class privilege, let's be there this Friday to celebrate one of our national campaign partners, the Movement for Black Lives as they ratify a Black National Platform! 



It’s a Friday Night, and we’re going to put the PARTY in watch party!

We’re showing up early and setting up the (virtual) picnic blanket to pretend we’re at a late summer event. 

Register for RG's watch party for the Black National Convention and bring:  

  1. A Beverage (A Liberatory Spirit?)
  2. The BNC Playlist on the Stereo 
  3. A Crew-- in your house or on the internet. Make a date with an internet flirtation! Invite your Chapter!

 Are you in?!


See you on Friday! 
The RG Action Team



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