John -- are you still wondering if Proposition 113, the National Popular Vote, is right for you?

This letter to the editor from National Popular Vote supporter, Ralph Burns perfectly explains how Proposition 113 is good for Coloradans and good for our democracy.

Read an excerpt from Ralph’s letter below:

National Popular Vote will fix the anomalies with the current winner-take-all rules:

– It will eliminate swing-state and flyover states. There are only five swing states in 2020, and if you want your vote to count, then 113 is for you.

– National Popular Vote protects Colorado rural voters who are outnumbered by Front Range voters by including their vote at the national level.

– It will reduce California’s outsized influence by about 40%, by counting its split between the red and blue before awarding electors. The red voters in blue states will matter again. If you’re worried about California, then 113 is for you.

– If you are a fiscal conservative, then 113 is for you, because incumbents won’t send pork projects to states. An example is the most expensive entitlement ever, Medicare Part D, enacted in 2003 to secure the swing-state Florida vote in 2004.

– If concerned about illegal voting, then 113 is for you! With the current winner-take-all, a small number of fraudulent votes in a swing state can reverse the outcome for the entire nation. In 2000, only 538 fraudulent Florida votes would have reversed the outcome, but with the National Popular Vote it would have taken 544,000 fraudulent votes to swing the national election.

-Ralph Burns
Published in Longmont Times-Call

John, with just 70 days until Election Day, we’re racing to reach every voter in Colorado and convince them to vote YES on Proposition 113, the Nation Popular Vote.

If you’re ready to make every vote for president count, will you pitch in $10 or more so we can show Coloradans why Proposition 113 is right for them, and pass the National Popular Vote in November?

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Thanks for stepping up!

Yes on Prop 113
National Popular Vote