Dear John,
Starting in September, clouds of monarch butterflies fill backyards and fields
across the country before migrating south for the winter. At least, that’s how
it used to be. Today monarchs are more at risk than ever before, and we are
fighting fiercely to protect them from extinction. Help save the monarch butterfly from Monsanto’s Roundup®: Donate $10 to Friends
of the Earth.
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The latest news is alarming -- numbers of this iconic butterfly have plummeted.
In 1997, there were nearly 1.2 million western monarchs sighted in California
alone. But in 2019, scientists recorded only 29,418. That’s a decline of 99%.
And it’s all for the sake of corporate greed. Big Ag and fossil fuel
corporations are driving monarch butterfly decline through pesticide use,
climate change, and habitat loss. One of the worst culprits is Bayer-Monsanto’s
Roundup®. Roundup® kills young monarchs’ only food source: milkweed.
Help stop monarch butterflies from being driven to extinction: Donate $10 to
Friends of the Earth today!
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[[link removed]]We’re not only losing monarchs -- 40% of invertebrate pollinators are on the
brink of extinction, including the western bumblebee. If we lose these
pollinators, it will be catastrophic for the ecosystems and food systems on
which we rely.
Pollinators sit at the base of the food web. They sustain plant life, which
feeds and shelters animals that feed animals higher up the food chain, ensuring
healthy, biodiverse ecosystems. Human beings are a part of this web of life, and
just like other species, we depend on its functioning. In fact, the vast
majority of our most important and nutritious food crops rely on pollination.
But Bayer-Monsanto’s toxic Roundup® wipes out plants like milkweed to make room
for massive pesticide-intensive industrial production of corn and soy which
mostly goes to feed factory farms and fuel cars. Big Ag is turning diverse,
life-filled landscapes into monocultures that destroy soil and wreck our
climate. As a direct result of this, many of our pollinators are now facing
At Friends of the Earth, we are working to push back on Big Ag and save our
endangered species. Our multifaceted strategy includes a push for a nationwide
ban on neonics and other toxic pesticides that kill bees and butterflies. At the
same time, we’re pushing grocery companies like Kroger to stop selling food
grown with these chemicals. This is the kind of bold campaigning that can shift
us away from pesticide-intensive agriculture and make pollinator and
people-friendly organic food available for all.
Our plan has the power to win comprehensive protections for monarch butterflies,
people, and the planet. But we don’t have much time, and we need your help to
get there.
Will you stop Bayer-Monsanto from wiping out monarch butterflies and other
pollinators with a $10 donation to Friends of the Earth?
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will go through immediately:
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[[link removed]]Every year, majestic monarchs journey thousands of miles from Mexico and
California to Canada and the Northern U.S. and back again. It’s a truly
remarkable, multigenerational journey that touches us all. It is one of planet
Earth’s great migrations. But without urgent action, this migration could end,
You can make a difference for the monarchs. Challenging giant agrochemical
corporations like Bayer-Monsanto and some of the richest, most powerful
industries in the world may seem daunting. They spend millions of dollars in
efforts to spread misinformation, lobby the government, and stack the deck to
avoid regulations.
But people power beats big money, and at Friends of the Earth, we’ve shown that
over and over again. With your support, we’ve taken action, made calls, and
secured game-changing victories that address root causes of this crisis. Earlier
this year, after we and our allies pushed state and local governments around the
country to ban Dow’s brain-damaging, bee-toxic chlorpyrifos, Dow committed to
stop selling this poison.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve secured major wins and made
groundbreaking progress with grocery and garden retails giants, and introduced
and passed legislation to restrict toxic pesticides in a number of states. Now,
we are going on offense with federal legislation and pressure on key government
agencies like the Fish and Wildlife Service. Members like you are the at the
heart of everything we do.
The monarch butterfly and other pollinators need us right now. With your
support, we can hold corporations accountable and protect them for the long
haul. Donate $10 to Friends of the Earth today.
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will go through immediately:
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[[link removed]]Thank you,
Lisa Archer,
Food and agriculture program director,
Friends of the Earth
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