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We need all hands on deck for this race.  

The national Dems – Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, The Squad, and Barack Obama – have targeted a congressional district right here in Indiana and endorsed the liberal candidate, Christina Hale. 

Conservative Victoria Spartz is ready to go to Washington to fight this liberal Democrat machine. 

The Cook Political Report has classified this race a “toss-up,” after being held by Republicans since 1993! It would be absolutely devastating to lose this seat – and would almost assuredly dash our chances of winning back the House majority

Can you imagine another term with Nancy Pelosi in the Speaker’s Office? Nobody should have to picture that – which is why we need everyone to chip in now. 

Will you please donate $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or what you can right now to elect Victoria Spartz?  

Keeping this seat RED is a major factor in winning back our majority in the House and finally firing Speaker Pelosi. We absolutely cannot let the national Dem machine win it. 

We’re counting on Hoosiers like you to step up and chip in. If everyone donates just a few dollars, we’ll be able to fight back against the Pelosi-Warren-Harris-Buttigieg-Obama machine and win this one for Victoria and the Republican Party. 

Indiana GOP 

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