August 25, 2020
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August 25, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

August 24, 2020
YOUTUBE ? MUST SEE: Watch Day 1 of the 2020 GOP National Convention posted at YouTube by The Hill.... (more)

August 24, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? At the virtual Democrat National Convention last week—where at least two caucus meetings began by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with the words "under God" omitted—the public was treated to tasteless and remarkably unfunny jokes from Hollywood's Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and a video featuring Donna Hylton, who spent 27 years in prison for the grisly murder and torture of Thomas Vigliarolo, a NY businessman found stuffed inside a steamer trunk and left to rot in Harlem.... (more)

August 24, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? The shocking new Paul Kengor book, The Devil and Karl Marx, doesn't carry the same nerve-wracking impact as the much-shorter book with the provocative title, Was Karl Marx a Satanist?, but the message is still the same. The "progressive" ideas let loose on the world by the father of communism are based in the otherworldly powers of darkness that Karl Marx personally embraced.... (more)

August 24, 2020
LINDA GOUDSMIT ? In 2008, candidate Barack Hussein Obama promised to fundamentally transform America. Most Americans assumed he meant uniting the country and bringing Americans closer to our forefathers' dreams of peace, harmony, prosperity, and equality. In 2008, most Americans had no idea what candidate Obama actually meant. Now it is 2020, and now we know.... (more)

August 24, 2020
STEVE A. STONE ? Dear Friends and Patriots, Before this week, I intended to watch the Democratic Party National Convention and critique some of the more noteworthy speeches made there, but after watching and listening for two nights I realized there was no point in doing so. Instead, I offer the following synopsis of what I heard:... (more)

August 23, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? The Republican National Committee (RNC) voted this week to keep the 2016 platform, in part due to the intransigence of Democrat governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina. He refused the RNC the opportunity to convene before this year's Republican national convention. This is customarily when platform issues are reviewed and updates are made.... (more)

August 23, 2020
THE EDITORS OF NATIONAL REVIEW ? If you watched Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the other big, headline speeches at the Democratic convention, you might be forgiven for thinking that you had stepped into a meeting of old-time Democrats. There was less woke, radical rhetoric than in the primaries, more invocations of old-fashioned patriotic Americana, and more efforts to sound conservative themes and reach out to small-businesspeople and churchgoers. What you might have missed was the far-reaching agenda of the Biden--Harris Democrats.... (more)

August 23, 2020
Fraud: Government accuses Fordham of acting 'contrary to its own mission statement'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The federal government has launched an investigation into Fordham University for allegedly misleading parents and students. The controversy erupted when the university punished a student for posting an image of himself with a weapon on his Instagram page.... (more)

August 23, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Utah Gov. Gary Herbert has no sympathy for parents objecting to his edict that children attending school either wear masks or face possible criminal charges. Herbert issued the mask mandate, for grades K-12, in July. The reopening of Utah's public schools has drawn new attention to the edict, which calls for a maximum punishment of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine for showing up without one. The order applies equally to adults and children, and any charge would be a misdemeanor.... (more)

August 22, 2020
'What are they trying to hide? What is the problem? Why won't they let us sit in?' a mom tells Fox & Friends Weekend
FOX NEWS ? A Tennessee school district is under fire for asking parents to sign a form agreeing not to eavesdrop on kids' virtual classes over concerns they could overhear confidential information. After significant pushback, Rutherford County Schools is allowing parents to tune in with permission from the teacher but they can't record the classes.... (more)

August 22, 2020
BITCHUTE ? Filling in for Sean Hannity, Tammy Bruce exposes the Democrats' sham claims and platform when held up to reality and Americans' shared values... (more)

August 22, 2020
'His handlers know he cannot do the debates. That speech last night does not prove he can do debate'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The headlines are full of praise for Joe Biden's speech Thursday night accepting the Democratic Party's nomination for president, which he delivered without the stumbles, dropped sentences and gaffes that have plagued his interviews in recent months.... (more)

August 22, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Football legend Herschel Walker ripped into Democrats on social media Thursday during the fourth and final night of Democratic National Convention over their fixation on racial issues.... (more)

August 22, 2020
WASHINGTON TIMES ? At least two caucus meetings at this week's Democratic National Convention began with recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance that omitted the phrase "under God." Two videos posted online – one of the person kicking off a Muslim meeting, and the other starting an LGBT meeting – showed the Pledge being recited incompletely.... (more)

August 21, 2020
Scroll down inside the article to watch Jon Voight?s YouTube video
WORLDNETDAILY ? Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight warned Americans on Friday morning not to be "fooled" by the Hollywood liberal elite who are using their public platform to join Democrats in "destroying this country with evil propaganda and ignorance."... (more)

August 21, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Calamity Jane was a frontier heroine in the mid-19th century who during an uprising in 1872, saved a Captain Egan from certain death, whereupon he told her: "I name you Calamity Jane, the heroine of the plains."... (more)

August 20, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? The lack of coverage in 2008 of the embarrassing facts in Barack Obama's background, especially his deep personal relationship with a Communist mentor by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, stands as a sensational example of how dishonest the national media can be when they are determined to elect somebody. Jack Cashill's new book, "Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency," accurately describes Davis as "a bisexual Stalinist pornographer with a taste for underage sex partners." If this is news to you, consider yourself a victim of the major media organizations that worked diligently to cover up the truth about our 44th president.... (more)

August 20, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Last Thursday night (8/13/20), the statue-topplers tore down another statue of the father of our country, just after they defaced it. This statue of George Washington had stood in Grand Park near Los Angeles City Hall since 1933. The war on America as founded continues unabated.... (more)

August 20, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? It would be one thing if these draconian, unscientific, arbitrary lockdowns worked. But they don't. The evidence is now overwhelming and unmistakable. Any who denies that fact betrays an anti-science, anti-data mindset that gives the lie to the "we just follow the science, we just follow the data" mantra we hear constantly from those who drove us into this dark abyss.... (more)

August 20, 2020
Full Aug. 19 Sean Hannity show
BITCHUTE ? Fox News' Sean Hannity vetted "the most liberal senator of 2019," Kamala Harris, for her radical leftist views in his coverage of Day 3 of the "worst infomercial on earth."... (more)

August 20, 2020
Day Three of Dem 'infomercial'
YOUTUBE ? "We're on Day Three of the Convention. The question is, How is it going so far?" Former Democratic candidate Marianne Williamson says it's "like binge-watching a Marriott commercial."... (more)

August 20, 2020
'Why is someone trying to instill that fear in us?'
ART MOORE ? Through their message that "the system is rigged" and police are out to get you, the Democratic Party is using fear to "control" African-Americans, charges sportswriter and commentator Jason Whitlock. After spelling out the serious consequences in an interview Tuesday with "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Whitlock called the Democrats' racial politics "pure evil -- it's borderline satanic."... (more)

August 20, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? A New Jersey detention officer who allegedly wrote on Facebook that a 5-year-old boy fatally shot in North Carolina "should've ducked" has been suspended, county officials said.... (more)

August 20, 2020
WESTERN JOURNAL ? Dozens of citizens experienced what a world with no police officers would feel like over the weekend in Portland, Oregon, when they called 911, only to discover their calls had been placed in vain. At least 60 calls for police assistance were "holding," police said Sunday, as law enforcement in Portland was overwhelmed attempting to quell another anti-police riot that occurred the previous night.... (more)

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