Dear John,
I wanted to make sure you saw this email we sent out last Friday.
ACT For America is redefining activism on the right and taking the country by storm. We just finished our semi-annual report and we are growing faster than ever before!
We have had tens of thousands of activists join us from all 50 states.
We are reaching millions and changing minds through our powerful social media reach. Just take a look at the incredible numbers below!

Thanks to our incredible growth numbers, we were able to coordinate Back The Blue rallies across the nation. We will ALWAYS stand with our local police heroes!

We put the truth out and never back down. We are here to win the fight for freedom. We are changing hearts and minds online all while impacting legislation and policy!
Your pledge to financially support us monthly enables us to continue fighting the cultural and transformative war declared on our nation. Failure is not an option. There is much to do and we can not do it without your financial support.
Thank you to you, our donors, for making all this possible. None of these victories would be possible without your financial support. If you wish to receive our semi-annual report detailing what your generosity has enabled us to do and the work we are doing in Congress, please let us know by responding to semiannualreport@actforamerica.org.
Together, we will defend freedom and win!