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Dear Friends,

The Republicans gaveled their National Convention open this morning and will spend this week making their case to the American people. We need your help countering the many toxic messages and abject lies that will be coming from them with your stories about this #TrumpChaos Presidency and about the difference it will make to elect Biden Harris. There are still a lot of voters who are making up their minds. 

As a New York Times article stated this morning, “Political conventions have sometimes created large enough swings to allow a trailing candidate — like President Trump this year — to make a comeback. Convention season was important to George Bush’s win in 1988, Bill Clinton’s in 1992 and George W. Bush’s in 2004...The conventions are when many people tune into the campaign for the first time." Your story could be a critical part of them taking an for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The DNC Best Practices Institute is holding a training this Wednesday, August 26 at 5:00PM ET on the ways you can storytell and amplify; then we'll share critical insight on the misinformation and disinformation that's trying to harm the election of Vice President Biden and Senator Harris and how to spot it. Join us for "How to Break Down Trump's Chaos, Lift Up Biden Harris 2020 and Spot Misinformation and Disinformation."


Following this training, the next day, you can start to use it!  In what has been described as “a new level of unethical conduct” Trump will deliver his nomination acceptance speech from the South Lawn of the White House Thursday evening.  He will do so with a live audience even though we’re still inside of a raging coronavirus pandemic. As he asks America for a second act, we need you to point out how Trump has cost us American lives, jobs, and stability. And we will provide you with salient pieces of Vice President Biden’s plans to fix this country from the wreckage of this #TrumpChaos presidency. 

In fact, each day of the Republican convention, we are also releasing television and digital ads that you can share. And you'll see us holding Trump and Republican convention speakers accountable for any lies and misinformation, as we'll be fact checking in real time.

One final resource we want to offer is this RNC Counter Convention Message Toolkit that outlines the 5 steps that you or your organization can take to amplify.

We look forward to having you join us.

Yours in the Fight,

National Political & Organizing Director
Democratic National Committee 

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