The victory in Wisconsin shows that Democrats have a recipe for pandemic-proof organizing even when we’re fighting dirty Republican voter suppression. And as Arena’s trainings have grown from 400 students at a time to 4,000, we’ve proven that we know how to share these resources with people deeply while at scale.
In fact, one of our participants this week even told us, “Imagine if everyone felt as ‘cared for’ as we all feel during this Academy. The model is here. We just have to copy it.”
That’s just what we’re trying to do. For the next two and a half months, Arena is working closely with battleground state campaigns to train staff to get out the vote safely during a pandemic. Realistically, we need $1.2M by early September to train enough staff and volunteers to hit our GOTV targets.
Please, friend, will you become a monthly donor to help us reproduce the model that worked so well in Wisconsin to safely get out the vote in November?
Given how close the race is, we believe Arena’s trainings have the potential to swing the election. Help us make sure we train enough staff and volunteers so we leave nothing on the floor in November.
Thank you,
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