From Team Mikie <[email protected]>
Subject How to:
Date August 24, 2020 8:15 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

If you can, chip in before the end-of-month deadline →

The end-of-month deadline is one week from today, and we have a lot of ground to cover before we enter the last month before the next FEC deadline. So we want to quickly remind you where we stand:

FIRST: The NRCC has launched one attack after another against Mikie.

NEXT: Our corporate lobbyist opponent falsely attacked Mikie's record.

AND THEN: A major GOP super PAC pledged to spend a massive $90 MILLION in attacks to unseat Democrats like Mikie

We'll be honest -- we're going to reach out to you a lot over the next few days, but that's because the stakes are so high. The outcome in our race could determine whether we defend the House Majority or not. It will determine whether we put New Jerseyans first in Congress or put corporate interests first.

A Democrat hasn't won re-election in NJ-11 in 35 years. We can't let a corporate lobbyist replace Mikie in Congress. If you can, please chip in before the end-of-month deadline.


Team Mikie

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