Dear John,
hope that you will join us for our November 3, 2020, General Election
endorsement meeting, taking place virtually, via Zoom, on Wednesday,
August 26, from 7 to 9 pm. It's hard to believe that we are already
quickly approaching the general election. It is precisely for that
reason that we must begin to consider all the candidates and measures on
the upcoming ballot.
For more details on the candidates, we will be chatting about, check out the Facebook event page or our events page on our website. We also encourage our members to check out the video submissions from candidates making their case for EBYD endorsement.
We will be endorsing one candidate from each of the following races:
- City Council, District 3 (Carroll Fife, Lynette McElhaney, Seneca Scott, Meron Semedar, Alexus Taylor, Faye Taylor)
- City Council, District 5 (Noel Gallo, Zoe Lopez-Meraz, Richard Santos Raya)
- City
Council, District 7 (Aaron Clay, Marcie Hodge, Ken Houston, Bob
Jackson, Treva Reid, Olivia Rodriguez, Esmeralda Cortes Rosales, Tyrone
Stevenson, Marchon Tatmon, Chaney Turner)
- Mayor (Jesse Arreguín, Wayne Hsiung, Naomi Pete)
- City Council, District 3 (Ben Bartlett, Orlando Martinez, Deborah Matthews)
- City Council, District 5 (Todd Andrew, Sophie Hahn, Paul Darwin Picklesimer)
- City Council, District 6 (Richard Illgen, Susan Wengraf)
- School Board, At-large (Laura Babitt, Jose Luis Bedolla, Michael Chang, Norma J F Harrison, Esfandiar Imani, Ana Vasudeo)
- AC Transit Board of Directors, Ward 1 (Jovanka Beckles, Ben Fong, Joe Wallace)
- AC Transit Board of Directors, Ward 2 (Greg Harper, Jean Walsh)
- AC Transit Board of Directors, At-large (Victoria Fierce, Dollene Jones, Chris Peeples)
- East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors, Ward 1 (Elizabeth Echols, Norman LaForce)
On the consent calendar:
- Peralta Community College District Board of Directors, Area 6 (Dyana Marie Delfín Polk)
- Berkeley
Rent Stabilization Board (Right to Housing Slate - Xavier Johnson, Andy
Kelley, Mari Mendonca, Dominique Walker, Leah Simon-Weisberg)
- Alameda City Council, At-large (Jim Oddie & Malia Vella)
- Emeryville City Council, At-large (John Bauters, Ally Medina, Christian Patz)
- East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors, Ward 2 (Dee Rosario)
- Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Board of Directors, District 7 (Lateefah Simon)
We hope you'll join us! Please find zoom event details below:
Topic: EBYD Monthly Meeting
Time: Aug 26, 2020 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 2601 3166
Passcode: 878444
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 826 2601 3166
Passcode: 878444
In solidarity,
Zac Goldstein, EBYD Vice President of Political Affairs
“I want you to understand that your first duty is to humanity.”
— Madame C.J. Walker, Entrepreneur and Social Activist
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