
We’re just a week away from the Massachusetts primary on September 1st, and Seth wants a chance to talk directly with you before then.

This Thursday, Seth will be joined by Governor’s Council Member Eileen Duff, along with all of his supporters and volunteers from across the district. And, of course, you. This is a chance to both hear from Seth, and have him hear from you. We’ll be talking about the importance of this election and getting out the vote so we can turn the 2018 Blue Wave into a 2020 Blue Tsunami.

An Evening with Rep. Moulton and Councillor Duff
Thursday, August 27th, 7:00pm
Sign up here:

Seth has made a real difference—improving mental healthcare access to veterans, bringing good-paying jobs and training programs into the district, bolstering our national security on the Armed Services Committee, tackling the opioid epidemic, and introducing a new generation of leadership to Congress.

And we need you to help share that message. Can you join us to take action?

Get Out the Vote with Team Moulton
Wednesday, August 26th, 5:30pm
Sign up here:

Everything we care about is on the ballot this year, and the stakes are too high for our kids and families for us to fail. I hope you can join us.

Thanks in advance,

Matt Chilliak
Campaign Manager