Join US Rep. Ro Khanna and Midwestern workers to discuss our plan to defeat Trump!
During the Republican National Convention, we will be holding special organizing calls — read more below:
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Next week - during each night of the RNC - Our Revolution will host a series of organizing calls to mark our 4th anniversary and lay-out our 4 point plan to beat Trump and create a progressive America. LEARN MORE BELOW!
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Four years ago Bernie launched Our Revolution, and today our movement is stronger than ever - a majority of Americans support Medicare for All and a Green New Deal and we’ve elected more than 500 progressive champions up and down the ballot.
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But in order to keep advancing our movement, we must use our momentum to defeat Donald Trump, elect progressive champions to Congress, win at the state and local levels, and hold the Democratic establishment accountable.
The Fight for Our Future starts NOW - Learn more about our organizing calls next week and sign-up to get involved!
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Day 1 - Monday, August 24th:
Defeating Trump
If Trump wins in November, all the progress we’ve made will be in jeopardy. Trump won the White House by promising to bring back jobs to the industrial heartland. But he failed to deliver. That’s why Our Revolution is launching a campaign to organize working class voters in the 200 pivot counties throughout the Midwest — the places that voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and for Donald Trump in 2016 — and flip them back.
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Day 2 - Tuesday, August 25th:
Electing Progressive Champions to Congress
We’ve helped usher in a wave of progressive Democratic nominees and taken out establishment incumbents who answered to corporate lobbyists over constituents. We need to continue to build people power to win the general election, and once our progressive champions arrive in Washington, we must organize to hold leadership’s feet to the fire, and change Senate rules to get rid of the filibuster to advance Medicare for All and the legislation we care about.
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Day 3 - Wednesday, August 26th:
Winning a Down Ballot Bench
Change always happens from the bottom up. We’re winning locally - from district attorney to drainage commissioner - and implementing progressive policies along the way. We’ll keep building on these victories to model what needs to happen at the federal level after we defeat Trump in November. Doubling down on building local political power is key to transforming our government at all levels.
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Day 4 - Thursday, August 27th:
Building a Movement to Hold Democrats Accountable
As Bernie said: “At its most basic, this election is about preserving our democracy.” That is why we must come together to defeat Trump. But that doesn’t mean that when Democrats take control in Washington, we won’t demand a progressive agenda from day one. We must build a powerful movement that organizes inside the halls of power and outside on the streets to win transformative change.
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