From Team Nicole <[email protected]>
Subject 🚨 Breaking News: HUGE Endorsement
Date August 24, 2020 4:58 PM
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Nicole just received the endorsement of the New York City Police
Benevolent Association, the NYPD's largest union of 50,000 members.

NYC PBA President Pat Lynch said:


"On behalf of the 50,000 members of the NYC PBA I am proud to endorse
Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis in her campaign for New York State's
11th Congressional District. Assemblywoman Malliotakis has always been a
true friend of the NYPD and all law enforcement. She has stood by the
men and women of the NYPD during her five terms in state legislature and
continues to do so today, when many elected officials like incumbent
Congressman Max Rose have joined the anti-police mob. This is the most
hotly contested race in New York City this November and it creates the
opportunity for our members, their families, friends and all supporters
of the NYPD to send a resounding message to every elected official in
New York City; law abiding New Yorkers are ready to take this city

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"Her opponent, Congressman Max Rose, has claimed he supports law
enforcement. But when it came time for him to stand tall and show that
support, he chose the opposite. He chose to take part in a June
demonstration on Staten Island where marchers carried signs reading,
'Abolish the NYPD,' 'Blue Lives Murder' and 'Defund the
Police' as the crowd chanted those slogans and others as they
converged on the 122nd Precinct. He chose to sign on to a bill that
dumps all of the blame and liability for bad policing policies onto
police officers on the street."

<span style="background-color: #ffff00;">"Congressman Rose, you can't have it both ways. You made your
choice. Now New York City police officers will make ours."</span>
We're highlighting this major endorsement in our new ad, premiering
today. We can't let Max Rose and Blasio destroy our city with their
anti-law enforcement agenda. Don't let them defund the NYPD.


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Team Nicole


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Nicole for New York, PO Box 60487, Staten Island, NY 10306, United States
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