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John —

Imagine you’ve served your time, and now you’re home from behind bars. Now what?

For starters, finding a job is no easy task.

And if you do land a gig, chances are it won’t pay well.

None of that helps people land back on their feet after re-entering society. But here’s the good news: every year, there are more and more green jobs in America.

Imagine people coming home from prisons and jails, and landing on their feet in well-paying, local green jobs.

It’s called a “green re-entry,” and it helps people who were formerly incarcerated, our economy, and everyone who lives on this planet — which is, you know, all of us.

How do we make it possible? Our recently released Green Re-Entry report includes a plan for that:

In other words:

There is only one missing piece: You. Will you help spread the word about the potential of a green re-entry?

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 Thank you for standing with us! 
— the Dream Corps team  

P.S. — You can read more about Green Re-Entry and find out how you can help make it a possibility by clicking here.


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436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612

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