Dear Friend,

We've joined allies at Demand Progress and Fight for the Future in issuing a travel advisory warning for Black, Latinx, and other families of color driving through Ohio this Labor Day weekend. This is in response to ICE and CBP’s increasing practice of using state DMV photo databases for facial recognition scanning. Here's the advisory:

"Calling all families, especially Black, Latinx, Muslim and other families of color, to please exercise an increased level of caution and safety precautions when traveling in or around Sandusky, Ohio, particularly on Interstate 90. ICE and CBP routinely use license plate readers and Ohio’s DMV photo database for facial recognition in an attempt to target immigrants.”

It’s incredibly troubling that DMV databases are becoming the bedrock of ICE and CBP’s surveillance infrastructure. Information sharing between Ohio’s DMV and government agencies is even more disturbing. People are not afforded the opportunity to consent or opt-out. Errors made by law enforcement based on invasive and inaccurate technology is wrong and have a disproportionate impact on those who already are over-surveilled.

Countless studies indicate that facial recognition is an unreliable technology, that doesn’t accurately identify people with darker skin complexions — especially women — and so we know that this collusion is going to impact Black and brown communities in particularly dangerous ways

Read the full statement here.

In Solidarity,

Myaisha and the rest of Team #MediaJustice



436 14th St Fl 5
Oakland, CA 94612-2708

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