Democratic Victory PAC
Hey, Jack – While the GOP is airing grievances this week, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democratic challengers are reaching out to voter with a message of hope. Early voting in battleground states begins in September, and we've got to make sure Democrats have the advantage.

Will you give now to help Democrats take on the GOP up and down the ballot? Every dollar in this pivotal moment will make a difference!
From: Democratic Victory 2020
To: [email protected]


We’ll be blunt: NOW is the time to donate if Democrats are going to win in November.

With several key states starting early voting in September, every dollar we can raise is crucial. Your contribution today means we can rush additional support to help Democrats win across the map in November.

Donald Trump, Bill Barr, and Mitch McConnell have made it crystal clear they will do anything to suppress votes in 2020. Their greatest fear is having American voters turn out in record numbers.

If that happens, Trump, McConnell, and all their cronies know they can kiss the White House and the Senate goodbye.

Jack, that’s why we’ve set a highly ambitious fundraising goal: $750,000 by midnight on August 31. Our Democratic candidates need extra help NOW as early voting starts.

Can Democrats count on your help at this critical moment? Rush $27 or more right away >>>
If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:
$5 $27
$50 $75
$100 Other

Democratic Senate candidates running in toss-up states face enormous pressure from dark money groups and shady corporate PACs who are pouring millions of dollars into negative attack ads in a frantic attempt to shore up the Republican-controlled Senate.

These Democrats are fighting back with grassroots support. They’re taking on the special interest money by bringing more people into their campaigns.

That’s why your support is critical at this pivotal moment. Can you pitch in $27 or more to help Democrats wipe out the stain of Trumpism forever in November? >>>


Democratic Victory PAC


Donate now to defeat Donald Trump, hold the House, and take back the Senate.

This will be the most consequential election of our lifetimes, and we're mobilizing online grassroots communities to stand up against Trump's hateful rhetoric and harmful agenda. Together we can help elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and sweep Democrats into office across the country.

Donate Now

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Contributions or gifts to Democratic Victory PAC are not deductible for income tax purposes.


Paid for by Democratic Victory PAC, INC, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 611 Pennsylvania Ave Unite 143, Washington, DC 20003

Democratic Victory PAC
611 Pennsylvania Ave
Suite 143
Washington, DC 20003
United States