John, I need you to rush in $5 to completely overshadow Trump on his big Convention week with an even BIGGER surge of grassroots gifts. I will stop at nothing to make sure we overwhelm him with the force of 100,000 Democratic gifts. Will you help me make this president pay for his horrific leadership? I need your $5 before midnight to absolutely upend Trump's first big Convention day. >>,50,100,250
John, I need you to know three critical things:
1. Trump plotted to outraise and embarrass Democrats during our Convention.
2. He spread lies and insulted President Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe, and all of us.
3. But I have a plan to make his scheme backfire -- by hitting 100,000 grassroots Democrat gifts during Trump's own Convention and handing him a HUMILIATING defeat.
Can I count on you to rush in $5 to send Trump and his Republicans a message they can't ignore and completely overshadow their Convention with our biggest Democratic fundraising surge to date? It's so important, I'm extending my match! >>,50,100,250
John xxxxxx
Suggested Support:
Upend Trump's big Convention and rush in $5! >>,50,100,250
I want to make sure every single Republican knows that Democrats are coming for their seats.
Can I count on you to help me ECLIPSE Trump's first Convention night with 100,000 grassroots gifts to defeat him? I will personally match your gift of any amount!