Hey there friend,

Mitch McConnell has sent the Senate on recess without passing a coronavirus relief bill – he’s chosen to prioritize his own vacation over the lives and livelihoods of Americans suffering in the face of this crisis.

Now more than ever, it’s clear we need better leadership in the Senate. That begins by protecting the good leaders we already have - the Senators who always put their constituents before politics.

Five of Doug’s friends and colleagues in the Senate – Senators Gary Peters of Michigan, Tina Smith of Minnesota, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Mark Warner of Virginia, and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire – are joining Doug in fighting back against McConnell’s corruption and calling for the Senate to return to work.

But McConnell is coming after anyone who challenges his hyper-partisan interests, and he’s interfering in their races just like he’s interfering in Doug’s.

So we are joining together with Doug’s friends and Senate colleagues to take a stand against McConnell’s dark money and political games.

Right now, your donation will benefit our six re-election campaigns equally: Doug Jones, as well as Senators Peters, Smith, Booker, Warner, and Shaheen. Pitch in now >>

This is an opportunity to rally together against partisanship and prove to McConnell once again that unity will always beat division.

–Team Doug



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