I hope you saw the exciting news this last week as we released our first ad of the general election! If you have not seen it yet, I hope you will check it out here:
For the past few years, Democrats have falsely attacked Republicans by saying we want to take away coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions. This is a blatant lie that needs to be called out.

My opponent has repeatedly told this lie about me and I felt it was important to tell my story about why protecting pre-existing conditions is so personal to me.

I know the pain of losing a child. And I also know what it's like to fight an insurance company so my baby daughter could get the surgery she desperately needed when she was only five days old. My commitment to protect people with pre-existing conditions is rock solid, and I will never waiver.

But that won't keep Democrats from continuing to spread this lie, which is why I need your help to spread my message. 

Only with your continued support will I be able to get out this message of hope, opportunity, and a better healthcare future!

Thank you,

Beth Van Duyne