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Hi, John.

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week. This is your weekly reminder about our phone bank on Tuesday. We made a lot of calls last week, and I'm hoping we can keep up the momentum this week. 

For those that have not signed up, here is the link:

I know everyone is busy right now, but we are getting really close to the election, and every day counts. While the entire session is scheduled for two hours, you do not need to stay for that long. I've really enjoyed seeing everyone during the Zoom call before the phone bank, and it's fine if you just want to come and say hi on Zoom, make calls for 10-15 minutes, and then call it a night.

Every call matters, and I really appreciate everyone's willingness to help out. I'll see everyone on Tuesday!

Zach Padget
President, Wake County Young Democrats

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