Hi John,

I'm writing to invite you to a public meeting to help save Kāpiti Airport. It will be held on Saturday August 29th at 2pm (under level 1). I'd also love you to sign the petition.

You may have seen in recent news that the airport owners, NZPropCo Ltd, have said that "all options are on the table," and won't give any assurances that they will allow planes to fly beyond Christmas. In fact, flying could end as early as Thursday September 10th. This is a huge concern to our community.

We need an airport not just for recreational users and to connect our community to Auckland and the South Island, but to provide some resilience in the case of a natural disaster. The airport will be a critical hub to keep our community afloat during such an emergency.

I have formed and been leading a group comprising of Air Chathams, Sounds Air, the Aeroclub, and other local business and community representatives. We are determined to save the airport and we will not give up.

The public meeting is your chance to join us, and show your support for our airport, share your concerns and bring your questions. It will be held at:


Saturday August 29th,

St Paul's Church, Kāpiti Rd (opposite the old control tower).

(If we do not return to level 1 on August 26th, the meeting will be delayed.)

We have invited the following to front at the meeting:

  • Airport owners (NZPropCo Ltd),
  • Airways NZ,
  • CAA,
  • KCDC and Mayor Guru,
  • Local Iwi,
  • Air Chathams,
  • Sounds Air,
  • Kāpiti District Aeroclub,
  • Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce.

Almost all of these have already confirmed they will attend.

Please join us on Saturday.

And if you have already signed, please sign our petition here.


Tim Costley

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