
Under the Trump Administration, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy removed several mail sorting machines across Montana with no explanation.

Zero. Zip. Zilch.

Not only does this threaten Americans’ ability to safely vote by mail this November, it risks thousands of lives — especially in rural communities — who depend on the postal service for their medicine, bills, paychecks, and more.

And during a Senate hearing yesterday, DeJoy still refused to explain where and why services would be cut. He did, however, state that his harmful policies would go into effect after Election Day.

Well, that’s about as helpful as nailing jello to a tree.

For rural America, dependable mail delivery isn’t just another election year issue, and it’s unacceptable that DeJoy is hell bent on moving forward with actions to weaken the postal service after Election Day.

I need you to sign my urgent petition demanding Congress fully fund the USPS through Election Day and beyond. We must save the postal service from the Trump Administration's attempts to sabotage it.


Montanans deserve answers about what data DeJoy has been basing his decisions on and then come up with a plan to do more than cut the legs out from under folks in rural communities.

