Dear John,

Our country and our very way of life are under assault. We are witnessing the purposeful attempted dismantling of our foundation. This foundation is built upon the principles of a Constitutional Republic, where individual freedom and liberty comprise the cornerstone. When the foundation begins to crumble, the collapse of the rest of the house is close behind. We cannot allow this to happen!

The incredibly brave men and women of law enforcement and our very rule of law are under siege across our country. It’s infuriating to watch as America burns and mobs of thugs chant “abolish the Police” and “abolish America.” When our police do not feel safe putting on the uniform anymore, enough is enough! Every night we see Democrat Mayors and Governors across the country who have either endorsed this despicable behavior or have remained silent. All leaders, no matter what side of the aisle they’re on, should be standing united behind our police and united against this lunacy.

My opponent is not silent on this, however. He has endorsed abolishing School Resource Officers in Charlottesville and has called for “No Peace” until America meets the demands of rioters. My opponent chanting “No Justice, No Peace” while our police put their lives on the line trying to stop the violence is not the kind of representation that the voters want in Washington. We have all seen what these rioters have done in America’s cities, including right here in Virginia.
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In fact, just last week, our own Capital city, Richmond, was hit again by rioters. This time, banks and financial institutions in downtown Richmond were the scene of violence. The State Capitol remains boarded up and barricaded. How long will this be allowed to go on?
Lawlessness and the ‘cancel culture’ have permeated our daily lives and are endeavoring to become the norm. Attempting to silence a person or organization and ruin all they have worked for just because they don’t share your same viewpoint is the antithesis of the First Amendment. Destroying their property and physically harming our citizenry ignores the very rule of law that the walls of our house are built from.

Despite what the media portrays, the vast majority of Americans love our country, love our fellow citizens who put themselves in harm’s way every day to serve, and are mourning for what is happening to this great land. Now is the time for us all to stand up and shout, “Not on our watch!” Now is the time to defend our foundation and defend our house!

We know that a Trump-Pence-Good ticket will stand for law and order. A Biden-Harris-Webb ticket will not. They will continue what we are witnessing every day.

Will you donate generously today and help win this fight?

Please stay in touch! Our website is and you can follow us on Facebook as well. If you would like to chat, our email is [email protected] and our phone is 434-266-1084.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

God bless,


P.S. Please stay in touch with our campaign. We’ll be hosting “Back the Blue” rallies across our district in September to let our law enforcement know that we support them, so please stay tuned.
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